December 2020

December 2020

Moon Area Band Parent Organization


December 10,2020


Submitted by Amy Clark, Secretary MABPO


Meeting began at 7:06 pm. The pledge of allegiance was recited.


MABPO President, Amy Patterson

Welcome. Should be a quick meeting this month.


Treasurer, Ralph Canterbury

Ralph gave the treasurer’s report. Motion to accept by Teri Zhibley seconded by Beckie Tobin.


MABPO President, Amy Patterson

Please participate in Amazon Smile!

Sorry that cookie walk didn’t happen. We didn’t have use of the school, and restrictions kept us from having it.

Maybe we could do at Easter…we just need to see how things go.

This is a financial hit for us with loss of fundraising. We are down about $10,000.


Beckie Tobin

We had three good fundraisers: Chipotle, poinsettias, Moe’s

Nothing set up for January yet, but she would love any help!

Maybe an ax-throwing night for social event? Events for just parents – no kids! If you have ideas, please speak up. You won’t necessarily be responsible for planning.


Fundraising, Georganna Palmer

We just finished Sarris sale.

Next up is Chocolate Boutique after a little break.


Band Director, Nick Barthen

Thanks for coming.

Concerts rescheduled to February 4th at 7:00pm.

Winterguard – last rehearsal before shutdown is tomorrow for weapons sectional. We will probably have 1 virtual rehearsal next week before break and then resume January 6 if possible.

Small ensembles – gigs are cancelled.

Hope kids are having fun working on the projects.

Still planning on May concerts. We could maybe use the Moon Park amphitheater.

We will still have a winter concert, even if it’s not until February. We haven’t performed together in a sit-down concert for a year, so we need to perform.

Summer schedule is pretty much the same as last year. Still hoping to go to W&J.

Football schedule should be out in February.

BOA – September 18th – Columbus regional

            October 2nd – possible option

PIMBA hasn’t released the schedule yet. We will bid on hosting a show, hopefully championships.

Stocking stuffer list will be out soon, so look for that if you need ideas.


Amy Patterson, MABPO President

We are hosting our first ever golf outing on May 15th! We will need lots of volunteers. Please let us know if you want to help!

Not much else going on right now.


Motion to adjourn by Ralph Canterbury and seconded by Sarah Schmitz at 7:29pm.


Next meeting will be January 21, 2020 at 7:00pm