Moon Area Band Parent Organization

Parent Organization Officers 2024/2025

President - Amy Patterson
Vice President - Tina Foremsky
Treasurer - Ralph Canterbury
Secretary - Kelli Bookbinder
VP of Communications - Sarah Schmitz
VP of Concessions - Hoda Lichwala and Danielle Hadden
VP of Corporate Partnership - Stephanie Haas
VPs of Fundraising - Hope Lepczyk
VP of Publicity - Ted Merklin

Officer Responsibilities

Duties of the President – The President shall preside at all meetings of the MABPO, conducting business in accordance with the MABPO's Mission Statement/Objectives. The President shall also appoint, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, with the exception of the Nominations Committee. The President is authorized to co-sign all checks for payment of MABPO bills.

Duties of the Vice President - The Vice President shall work in direct coordination with the President. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the President's absence. The VP will perform and carry out tasks necessary for the band to operate successfully throughout the year. Duties shall include, but not be limited to, the solicitation and organization of chaperones for the band’s activities throughout the year, the securing of volunteers to fulfill the roles necessary to support the band, securing donations of materials and food, and the coordination of storage maintenance and movement, as necessary (i.e. band trailers, luggage truck, etc.). The Vice President is authorized to co-sign all checks for payment of MABPO bills.

Duties of the Vice President of Communications – The Vice President of Communications shall oversee the MABPO website and online calendar, organize an email distribution list of all MABPO members, send weekly Newsletter communications, and send other communications as deemed necessary by Executive Board members.

Duties of the Vice President of Concessions – The Vice President of Concessions shall assume the complete operation of the concession stand at all home football games and special stadium events as scheduled by the Athletic Director. Duties shall also include supplying food for various band and band parent functions, and other activities where food is sold. This position may have a Co-Chair if, in the discretion of the Executive Board, such an Appointment is deemed necessary.

Duties of the Vice President of Corporate Partnership – The Vice President of Corporate Partnership is responsible for reaching out to businesses and corporations in the greater Moon Township area in an effort to solicit larger-scale corporate donations (either money or in-kind donations) to further the educational mission of the Moon Area High School Instrumental Music Department and the MABPO. This position may have a Co-Chair if, in the discretion of the Executive Board, such an Appointment is deemed necessary.

Duties of the Vice President of Fundraising – The Vice President of Fundraising is responsible for submitting plans to the Executive Board for approval for the purpose of raising funds for the Organization. This position may have a Co-Chair if, in discretion of the Executive Board, such an appointment is deemed necessary.

Duties of the Vice President of Publicity – The Vice President of Publicity shall be responsible for all publicity regarding instrumental music programs, concerts, and special events by placing notices and/or announcements in local and school district publications as needed, posting and distributing flyers to local retailers and businesses, and contacting media and other news sources, to gain as much favorable publicity as possible for the Instrumental Music Department.

Duties of the Secretary – The Secretary shall record and maintain the minutes of the regular and special meetings of the MABPO. The Secretary shall present the prior month's Minutes at each meeting for approval by the membership, and shall have available at least one (1) year plus the current year of said minutes at meetings. The Secretary shall sign all warrants, papers, and other documentation as required to conduct the business of the MABPO, and shall have the ability to countersign checks. Furthermore, the Secretary shall keep a record of the attending officers and attending members for each regular and special meeting, and shall announce if there is a quorum present at such meetings to conduct business. The Secretary shall keep on record a copy of membership dues payment status. The Secretary shall prepare and send out correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of the MABPO at the request of an officer of the Executive Board.

Duties of the Treasurer – The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements showing each activity separately as well as a complete record of all funds for MABPO as a whole along with individual student accounts. The Treasurer shall prepare and present a monthly financial report for approval by the membership. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for compiling a budget of all committees that earn revenues and incur expenses. This budget is to be presented to the Executive Board by/at the March membership meeting, and shall be available for review by the membership at/after the July membership meeting. The Treasurer shall submit a list of students' accounts to the secretary by the end of December and March of each year. The Treasurer is authorized to co-sign all checks for payment of MABPO bills.

Meeting Minutes